
Niklaus Giger writes:

> Thanks for your great work.  I just downloaded and installed it on
> my Powerbook 1 GHz Alu.  It works fine (at least for 15 minutes).

Thanks for your feedback.

> Sound does not work (but didn't before neither).

Is this with alsa or with dmasound?

> - Consider renaming it NEWS.Debian.powerpc.gz to mark it as PowerPC
> specific.  Or symlink it it NEWS.powerpc.

It was called NEWS.Debian.gz because apt-listchanges supposedly
displays the news in a prominent way.

> - Tell how to remake the ramdisk. (I uninstalled and reeinstalled the 
> kernel-image)

The command is `mkinitrd -o /initrd.img'.  If you are running a
different version, add the release, as in 'mkinitrd -o initrd.img
2.6.5-powerpc'.  In fact, I used this command a couple of times during
testing, I will add a remark to the NEWS.Debian file.

> - Tell which hotplug agents are supported?  Tell which packages are to 
> install. e.g. apt-get install hotplug. But as I had hotplug installed I 
> progressed without to much hesitation. 

All of them (usbmgr, murasaki, hotplug) should work.

> - Why do you not install a dependency for one of the supported
> hotplug agents?

The kernel works nicely without a hotplug agent installed.  And even
if you need to load the modules for a USB keyboard in order to have
console access (which is the reason for this section), you do not need
a hotplug agent, because you can use the initrd or /etc/modules.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

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