On 29 Apr, this message from Ken Treis echoed through cyberspace: > Does anyone have experience using Frame Relay cards on PPC? I am > planning on using an XServe as a BGP router, and one of my peers will > be connected via frame relay. > > I presume that, if the drivers are written right, the Sangoma WANPIPE > cards should "just work". But I've seen some drivers that have > endianness issues and didn't want to get stung after laying down the > money for one of these.
I have used Cyclades PC300 cards (though not on PPC), but not with Frame Realy. I can only speak positively of those, and I think I read soemwhere they work on PPC. I sugest you ask Cyclades about the matter, they should give a fast & complete answer. Cheers Michel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art. 23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes. L-1710 Luxembourg | email [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan | Learn Always. "