On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 23:35, Guido Guenther wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm attaching a qick hack that I'm using to control the display
> brightness on my NV17 based pbook. Simply pass the brightness (1-15) as
> argument on the comman line. This is quiet usefull when using offb since
> adjusting the brighness only works with rivafb.

Interesting. Does adjusting the brightness works at all with rivafb ?
I though it only did full on vs full off ?

One thing... The formula you are using to calculate the value written,
ideally, you should try to understand the OF forth code setting the
brightness and reproduce the precise formula used there. It uses
some values in the device-tree as parameters for example. I wonder
if we risk damaging the backlight circuit by writing incorrect values
there ...


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