
PlanB maintainer here....

On  21 Apr, this message from dylan echoed through cyberspace:
> i am trying to get video4linux to work on an old powermac, using the
> built-in planB video digitizer...

Cool! Somebody's stll using it :-)

> i can get webcam to capture frames from the device, but the colors are
> all messed up, and the alignment is a little wrong...
> here is a sample: http://iici.no-ip.org/~dylan/webcam.jpg
> ...could this be a PAL/NTSC problem?

I'd say yes; this could be PlanB configured for PAL and capturing NTSC.
Have you tried xawtv already? Does it produce valid results? It might be
that webcam fails to set the norm; in that case there's a default norm
you can set in planb.h at compile time.

> also, i have noticed while trying to use certain video capture
> programs such as hasciicam, i get the following output:
> -- going capture
> grabbed image is 160x80 - ascii context is 80x40
> using LIVE mode
> ioctl VIDIOCMCAPTURE: Invalid argument

This could be hasciicam trying an unsupported video format. PlanB is
very limited, especially compared to bttv, to which most capture
programs are geared.

You can enable debugging in PlanB at compile time to get a kernel log
message when an unsupported format is requested (or you might already
get that; please check dmesg).



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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