On Apr 18, 2004, at 2:46 PM, David Pye wrote:
A few points...
a) Pick a subject for your message.
b) This is an English list, so writing in English would be appreciated.
c) Even ignoring a and b, you have given insufficient information for
to even ATTEMPT to guess what your problem might be.
On Sunday 18 April 2004 20:39, Boulou wrote:
salut j'ai un probleme de resau avec mon airport peux tu m'aider?
Perso : 06 60 13 30 76
Travail : 06 22 24 38 93
Even thought I normally do not care about this, if one has
to explain other people how to behave, and one rarely as to,
please pay attention not to violate some rules.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
helps pretty much if you want to get some more informations.
Bob Hentges - http://bob.hentges.lu/
Luxembourg - Europe
The following statement is true: The previous statement was false.