On sam, 2004-04-17 at 12:07 -0700, gm c wrote:
> I have a g3 powerbook firewire. I have been configuring kernels (not
> the deb way though) with out problems on stable. I am trying an
> unstable install and want to use a 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel. 
> Errors I getconfiguring a 2.4.25: When I make xconfig it quits with
> error -make: wish:command not found.
> When I make menuconfig it stops complaining about not having ncurses
> installed but I have have ncurses-base installed.
> What is the problem??
> mike

1. wish comes with tcl8.x
2. libncurses5-dev is what you need for menuconfig. 
3. check out newbiedoc at sourceforge.net, and there's a kernel newbie
one too, IIRC.

-- oops, tk, not tcl, though isn't tcl the "backend" stuff for tk?

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