   || Cuando: Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 08:36:48PM -0400  
   || Quién: Barry Hawkins  
   || Què: Re: Airport on Debian  

> Quentin,
>       Do you mean Airport or Airport Extreme?  That totally changes what 
>       the answer is.  Airport Extreme is a no-go for the foreseeable future.

Sure its like this Barry ????? 
Anyone can confirm this .... So its would be better to get a pcmcia
wireless card for powerbook g4 ....????
Thanks in advance.

> Barry C. Hawkins
> All Things Computed
> site: www.allthingscomputed.com
> weblog: www.yepthatsme.com
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

  2.6.5 #7 Wed Apr 7 02:42:35 WEST 2004 i686     THANKS FOR YOUR TIME
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