I am trying to use sid or sarge to perform the installation on my MCP750 computer.
I have tried the installation docs that come with it, and have found no set instructions for the installation of a PREP-boot machine. Is there one doc that I can access for this information? I have tried installing woody, but found issues with that. When I used Eric Vallette's bootfull.bin I was able to get all the way to the point that I am trying to install (and find) the base2_2.tgz file for the install. I could not get it to a) download the basedebs.tar from http.us.debian.org and/or b) use the base2_2.tgz from my NFS/tftpboot/http server. My current issue is that when I try to use sid/sarge, I do not know the procedure to get a .bin file if I need one.... I have the vmlinux and the initrd, I just d not know how to get the point of installation.... If someone can send a link to some docs to help that would be great.... Thank you, -- ------- Rick...