Brady Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hash: SHA1
> Everything I have read on installing GNU/Linux on Powerbooks deals with
> either Ext2 or Ext3, with no mention of ReiserFS. I know there are power
> management issues with Ext2 vs. Ext3, but I have never had luck with
> Ext2...So, I went ahead and installed Debian on my TiBook using Ext3 for
> now, but I see that ReiserFS v4 is on the horizon (I have been using
> ReiserFS v3 on several of my x86 machines) and I wanted to ask if it was
> a reasonable expectation to see it supported on PPC hardware.

for now, reiser4 is only supported on x86 due to the introduction of
the new system call reiser4. I guess, developers did not
implement it on other arches. There are some changes to arch specific
kernel code and I do not know if porting it is trivial.
Anyway, reiser4 is still considered experimental, even though it is in
stabilization phase or so.


Mathieu Segaud

Microsoft is like a mountain with their installed base.  Like it
or not, no matter how loud the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow
to it.

        - Jeff Merkey on linux-advoca^Wkernel

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