On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 09:51:28AM +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 19:49, Sven Luther wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 12:56:15AM -0700, ed crumly wrote:
> > > i would like to know if there's anyway i can help, as i do have in my 
> > > possession a 1.6ghz G5 mac.  it is stoked up with 2 gig of ram, 2 
> > 
> > Ok, welcome.
> > 
> > Can you please try out the 2.4.25-4 power4-pmac kernel, and confirm that
> > it works on your box. Please fill bug reports against it for anything
> > that is problematic.
> > 
> > This is still a 32bit kernel, and maybe the upcoming 64bit kernel would
> > be more adapted, but this will come second.
> FYI, while 2.4 compiled for G5 may boot enough for doing an install,
> I do _not_ support using the G5 with anything older than 2.6.3, and
> I strongly suggest 2.6.4

Understood. If it can pass the phase of running the installer, it can
then easily be used to install the 2.6.x kernels i have yet to package
on the final system. The real problem is that the current
debian-installer isn't yet 2.6 ready. Once it is, this will be a
different story. But even once the 2.6 kernel is available, these early
tests and support work on debian-installer will work also for 2.6

> Also, while I still support the 32 bits kernel, ulitmately, I will
> only continue developement on the 64 bits kernel for those machines.

Understood. Debian doesn't (yet) has 64 bit toolchains for building
those kernels. I guess only a 64bit binutils (should be ok i hear) and
64bit generating gcc should be needed for that right ? You can run 32
bit userland without problems on the 64 bit kernel.

BTW, i would eagerly welcome a donation of any old power3 or power4
based workstation anyone has lying around, would help with the
debian-installer power3 and power4 support, and also with the above


Sven Luther

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