Le Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 09:45:02 +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt a �it:
> On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 09:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > beep in 2.6.x has been totally absent - dmasound works, but sounds like
> > crap, but alsa sounds just wonderful, but no beep. i know some folks
> > hate the beep, but i'm used to it, and like it (sometimes ;). 
> It's funny, dmasound sounds just fine for me while alsa sounds like
> crap, go figure...

well dmasound sounds like crap to me cuz it doesn't take advantage of
the subwoofer and tweeters hooked up to my earphone jack ;). what
machine are you using 2.6 dmasound on? here, alsa is running on an 8500,
with the said set of speakers hooked up.

> > when i build a 2.6.x, i see some undefined warnings concerning some ts
> > thing (can't remember what exactly), and AFAICR, it has to do with the
> > beep. is there a patch to fix this, or has this been really low on the
> > list of "get fixed soon" priorities, and i should go beepless for
> > another release?
> You would have to ask the Alsa folks, or maybe implement it yourself,
> it's definitely not on my todo list.

ok cool. i'll bring it up with them, thanks.

> Ben.

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