I ran into a snag trying to update to kernel 2.6.3. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Box:  PowerMac 8500 (OldWorld)
Loader: BootX
Previous working kernel:  2.4.17
Kernel Sources:  obtained via "apt-get source kernel-source-2.6.3"
Symptom:  Booting starts with "Welcome to...<kernel filename>
                    Booting hangs with last message being "arch: exit:".

Kernel was configured with "make oldconfig" (seeded with 2.4.17 .cofig) and all default options.
Uncompressed vmlinux (4.2M) copied to /boot/Linux Kernels
Modules installed via "make modules_install"

What did I miss?  Is there a trouble shooting guide somewhere?


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