Apologies for directly replying to you. Was supposed to go to the list
so continuing there.

On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 17:45, Sven Luther wrote:
> > Still unsuccessful so my search continues... Afaik the B50 is the same
> > hardware as my 43P-150 so anything that boots on the B50 should boot on
> Ah, no it is not, since the B50 has a 604e processor, and you have a
> power3.

Actually it is a 604e. Check this url:

> can you try the plain kernel from : 
> http://people.debian.org/~luther/power3/2.4.25-2/vmlinuz-2.4.25-power3-chrp-rs6k
> or maybe you did already ? 

Yes I did try it already. It loaded fine from the tftp server. I tried
to boot it using this boot line in OpenFirmware:

boot net:,, load_ramdisk=1 devfs=mount

This failed so perhaps the issue is related to the way I am trying to
boot this image. 

> > Any idea what am I doing wrong?
> No, but maybe the kernel tree i use is not up to it.

If it boots on the B50, afaik it should boot on the 43P-150 as they are
virtually the same hardware.

> Tell me again, did you ever get linux to work on that box, and if yes,
> what kernel did you use ?

Tried many times, never succeeded in getting linux installed. Hopefully
soon :)

> Friendly,
> Sven Luther


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