Hi, >First it sets a very high load on the CPU. I wonder if the task is >correctly scheduled. I'll have a look at that. It's as if the task >monitoring task was running without yielding the processor...
No, it just seems to :) You have a 1.0 load average, that's it ? this is due to TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, which is needed according to Benjamin; however this doesn't eat the cpu power :) >Second, when rmmoding the module, it sets thermal limits to such a >low value (44), that fan becomes crazy, running at full speed. >(Measured temps are 53 and 56 °C). Interesting, maybe you can strip the bits about changing default limits on ADM*. I put these because on ADT*, the limits are quite high by default. >Third, when starting I got the following message in syslog. The >lowering max temp from 44 to 50 is funny ! That's related :) >Before I RTFM, I am not sure of the meaning of thermal limits : is it >the temperature at which fan are started ? Yes. Did you look at the values in /sys/devices/temperatures ? Do they look right ? -- Colin