
my thunderbird package did fail to build on powerpc (though it always worked before). The build process got an illegal instruction error. See http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?&pkg=mozilla-thunderbird&ver=0.5-4&arch=powerpc&stamp=1078665764&file=log&as=raw
for the log.


../../config/nsinstall -R -m 755 libnecko.so ../../dist/lib/components
: ../../dist/lib/components/libnecko.so
../../config/nsinstall -R -m 755 libnecko.so ../../dist/bin/components
: ../../dist/bin/components/libnecko.so
make[4]: Leaving directory 
make[4]: Entering directory 
../../config/nsinstall -R -m 755 libnecko2.so ../../dist/gre/components
make[4]: *** [libs] Illegal instruction
make[4]: Leaving directory 


Please someone give the package another chance & reschedule it on the buildd



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