Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Same as my Powerbook. The monitor power button isn't expected to produce a
> keycode, I think.
> Did you get both key down and key up events??

Yes, both.

> > How would I go about trapping that? It would be nice to have both
> > working so the lusers aren't forced to think, but one's better than
> > nothing.
> Same way as pbbuttonsd traps other special keys. In a pbbuttonsd.conf
> sent to me for checking pmud related weirdness, I see
> SleepKey                = 116
> SleepKeyDelay           = 0     ; values > 0 may be dangerous, if the power 
> key is used to trigger sleep
> so pbbuttonsd does already watch this key but uses it for sleep request,
> not shutdown.

I note Woody doesn't have pbbuttonsd. Worth trying to backport it, or
is trying to get this thing running Woody just a bad idea?


Iain Georgeson | PGP details in header | Belbin: Plant | Debian Woody
I don't think it's a malfeature though, just lousy programming.
    -- Bill Kelly

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