On   5 Mar, this message from Martin-Éric Racine echoed through
> I was wondering if xfree86 ever got around including a keyboard map
> variant that inverts the locations of keycodes 49 and 94?  This kuldge
> is needed for several 3rd-party keyboards where these two keys are
> inverted, becuase of a bug in early versions of the ALCOR keyboard
> controler chips used in MacAlley and most other non-Apple brands of
> USB Mac keyboards.

Interesting what you say there... I need to swap those keys on my
_Apple_ keybords (all swiss-french variants). The two keys are the one
left of 'y', i.e. between left shift and the first alpha key (not
present on US keyboards), and the one left of '1'.

And of course, this is with standard XFree maps...



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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