> > OK; in the meantime I found out that stuff is missing in the OF
> > properties. Next try: 817 bytes of a NVDA,BMP property which is also
> > present in OF. No other large chunks of data visible from OF.
> Hrm.. No clue what this can be.

:-( That's all been on a flat panel iMac, though - we'd need same
information from a laptop user.

> Maybe, in the long term, beeing able to shell the "ndrv" in a special
> runtime env. like ndiswrapper does for NDIS network drivers on x86
> would be a solution, though I don't like it much...

There's still the ROM code, right?

> That would involve writing a PEF loader, and implementing some of
> the shared libs on which MacOS "ndrv"'s relies, that is not much
> (you can look at Darwin code to get an idea of what is involved,
> mostly device-tree manipulation, hooking on interrupts, and a
> couple of other "utility" things).

Me? I don't own any recent sort of Mac laptop yet. And I'd probably go for
disk suspend instead, short term. The only thing that's strange there is
the system clock being restored to suspend time :-)


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