El dom, 29-02-2004 a las 01:06, christophe barbe escribió:
> On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 10:33:31AM +1030, Ryan Verner wrote:
> > On 29/02/2004, at 8:54 AM, christophe barbe wrote:
> > 
> > >I wonder if someone know a way to install a new firmware for a DVD
> > >player (to fix a design design flaw, sort of) that is provided as a
> > >MacOS9 binary. I have MacOS X on dual boot but not MacOS 9.
> > >Is it possible somehow to do it from the Mac OS 9 install CD? Is it
> > >possible to add MacOS 9 to MacOS X without reinstalling everything?
> > 
> > Regarding the latter, I believe you can just pull the OS9 System Folder 
> > over from another OSX+OS9 machine, and then Classic will work perfectly 
> > inside OS X.
> Will it be possible to boot with Mac OS 9 after? The firmware can't be
> installed from Classic unfortunately.

If you have the Apple's drivers partitions in place it should not be a
problem to boot that MacOS9 installation.


> Christophe
> -- 
> Christophe Barb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E
> Cats seem go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for
> what you want. --Joseph Wood Krutch
Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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