Oriol Pellicer i Sabrià a dit:
> A Dijous 19 Febrer 2004 14:48, Colin Leroy va escriure:
> > I don't know, but I know that there are some USB Wifi adapters that work.
> Yes, I have this one:
> http://www.trendnet.com/sp/products/TEW-229UB.htm
> and it works perfectly with my Ibook G4 14". The drivers are here:
> http://at76c503a.berlios.de/

Thanks! Problem with this model is that it does not support rfmon, thus
preventing the use of kismet and similar monitoring tools.

Would someone know of a wireless USB stick adapter that uses another
chip (like Prism, for example) and works on an iBook with Debian?

mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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