
I have already used Linux on x86 for 5 years (Red Hat, Suse).

I want to experiment now with Debian on Powerpc.

I googled  a lot for  3 weeks  now and I  still have to  find the
correct mix of packages.

Starting   with   debian   3.0.r2   ppc-binary,  I   upgrade   to
unstable/testing (at least for XFree86).

I have a running kernel 2.4.24 with patches from benh. It crashes
during boot unless I use the video=ofonly option.

I currently use XFree86 version 4.3.0.

It  gives me a  black screen  on nothing  else. All  I can  do is
hitting ctrl-alt-backspace to shut it  down. (Note that this is a
progress as with previous versions I was forced to reboot).

The  graphic card  is  a GeForce4  MX  with 32MB  of memory.  The
display is an LCD in 1440x900 resolution.

I'm still searching someone using the same hardware configuration.

I'm  also  searching   a  way  to  get  my   hands  on  a  kernel
2.6.3-benh-rc-whatever beast  as that  may solve my  problems. (I
found  indications for  2.4 and  2.5 with  rsync but  nothing for

I will gladly take any advice or explanation :)

I'm even available for testing  whatever you want (specific to my
hardware I mean :)

Thanks in advance,


P.S.: I'm  new on the list, do  not hesitate to correct  me if my
list usage is wrong.

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