
This is my first post to the list. I am new to mailing lists in general and I'm not very familiar with these things ...

Anyway, I was just browsing the archives and saw this thread. I'm having lockups with my PB 12" G4 867 Mhz Geforce 440 MX, too:

1) It seems there is still some sort of ps/2 bug (like this: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1123), because my system hangs once every 20 boot attempts or so. The ugly thing is; if it happens and I do a soft reboot, chances are high that it will hang a second time (how can that be?)!

2) This is a real lockup ... but not always reproducable, too! I'm using a Netgear MA111 USB wireless adapter since airport extreme is not supported yet. When plugging in the stick while the system is booting or when it is already booted, I sometimes get a total system freeze. No keyboard, nothing.

Well, I'm not sure if these are vanilla, benh or gentoo bugs (gentoo produces some really UGLY bugs ... I know this is a debian list, sorry!), maybe you can tell me?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root # uname -a
Linux cepheus 2.6.2-benh1 #2 Wed Feb 11 13:15:45 CET 2004 ppc 7455, altivec supported PowerBook6,1 GNU/Linux



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