On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 12:35:25AM -0500, digger vermont wrote:
> Hello All,
>       Does anyone have audacity working? In particular for me the playback is
> horribly distorted.  

Works nice here:
iBook rev. 2.2, 
Linux 2.6.1-rc1-ben1, 
Debian sarge
ALSA 1.0.1-1 (from sid)
audacity 1.0.1-1

audacity from unstable seems to introduce a bug manifesting here as 
playback is distorted, where the version from testing plays nicely.
You migt wanna give testing a try.

> I imagine its the endian issue, but I thought that
> problem had been ironed out and it worked for me in the past.  The
> playback is the same with both 2.4 and 2.6 both using alsa.  Along with
> using the debian unstable pkg I also compiled audacity.  Once again
> distortion.
> I'd appreciate hearing if it works or doesn't work for anyone.  And/or
> what I might do to get it working. I've asked on the audacity-users list
> and have gotten no response.

 3. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.

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