>Starting ALSA (version 0.9.7):snd_powermac: Unknown symbol >i2c_smbus_write_block_data >snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_add_driver >snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_smbus_write_byte_data >snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_del_driver >snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_detach_client >snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_attach_client > powermac-failed failed
>This therefore leaves me without sound, which is unacceptable. Back to 2.6.1... You need to have i2c-core and i2c-keywest as modules (or probably in the kernel). Do you ? HTH, -- Colin Ne disez pas disez, mais disez dites