
On my iBook G4, I have no accentuated character...Under X, they are replaced by square and under a console, it's just some strange characters...

I try to configure my keyboard with dpkg-reconfigure for the xserver-xfree86 and console-common but I didn't find a solution... Moreover, my keyboard is different between a console and X (ex.: I havn't '|' under X with shift-alt-l as under console :-/ )...

on this page :http://www.de.debian.org/ports/powerpc/keycodes , they talk about the CONFIG_MAC_ADBKEYCODES option...I don't know if it still exist under 2.6, but It doesn't set in my kernel config file. I use a 2.6.1-ben1...

I use a french azerty keyboard...

Thanks for any informations...

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