On Sat, Jan 31, 2004 at 03:57:22PM +0100, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Dear Sven,
> > I will probably use the -benh tree for future official debian kernels
> Please keep in mind that kernel-patch-benh exists already.  You should

Well, my plan was to let 2.4.22 stay at the linuxppc tree, jump over
2.4.23, and have 2.4.24 and beyond based on the -benh tree. But has been
stopped of doing this by the inability of extracting a clean 2.4.24
version of the -benh (or linuxppc for that matter) bitkeeper tree, since
nobody actually tagged it properly in the mess that followed the hasty
2.4.24 release. If you like, i would not be adverse to you becoming
co-maintainer of the kernel-patch package or something.

The main thing is to have the newer apple hardware be supported out of
the box by the official kernel, which would mean official
debian-installer support also.

> at least let it die gracefully if you make it obsolete.  Then again,
> I'm beginning to catch up on my work in general and my Debian stuff in
> particular (btw, how are the new mol packages doing on pegasos?), so I

Yeah, they work fine one the pegasos 2. I don't think we should care
about pegasos 1 anymore, since no new versions will be built, and the
0.9.68 mol i provide to pegasos 1 users works just fine.

> wouldn't say no if you suggested co-maintainership.

Let's do it then, I seriously need help in investigating all those pmac
specific bug reports, and also for setting up the officially build
modules for official kernel stuff.


Sven Luther

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