On Jan Wed 28 2004 19:27, Julien BLACHE wrote:
> "J. Javier Maestro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     /dev/hda1     Apple partition table
> >     /dev/hda2     Apple bootstrap
> >     /dev/hda3     Linux swap  (1G)
> >     /dev/hda4     EMPTY (for XFS, 57G)
> >     /dev/hda5     Linux Native (EXT3, for sarge / )
> >
> > so when I grow hda4 it swallows hda5 and I end up with a nice numbered
> > system? :)  Does the opposite (grow hda5 to swallow hda4) work (if you
> You can only grow an XFS FS, you cannot "move" it, I mean the start of
> the partition cannot move. So hda4 remains hda4 (starts at the same
> place), it's only bigger.

OK, that is fine (I went with the "good" solution from the begining :)

I am up to the point where I just need to mirror the / tree into the XFS
partition, reboot and grow it. But first, I want to pinpoint where and
why the kernel was failing. I know "why" (I had too many filesystem
supports compiled in the kernel) but I (or someone) should find out if
it is a BUG or a FEATURE :)

Thanks for all the help! Now, I know how to move from EXT3 to XFS your
way and EthanŽs way :) Yours is better for up-n-running systems, and
EthanŽs for freshly new ones. Mine.. well, it has suffered both
processes, so I dunno anymore what it is!


J. Javier Maestro

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