Quoth Ryan Verner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 29/01/2004, at 6:25 PM, Colin Leroy wrote:
>>> I'm wondering if someone got the Synaptics driver from
>>> http://w1.894.telia.com/~u89404340/touchpad/ to work on an iBook G4.
>> I don't think Synaptics driver is for the Apple laptop's ADB touchpads.
>> The list at 
>> http://w1.894.telia.com/~u89404340/touchpad/compatibility.txt
>> tends to confirm it...
> You're right, I'm sure as hell it isn't Synaptics.  Off memory (I've 
> got a x86 laptop which uses the touchpad), there's a synaptics kernel 
> module that needs to be loaded too; I'm positive it'll fail to load on 
> your iBook.

Well, I once came across a replacement touchpad driver for Mac OS X with
nearly the same features as the XFree Synaptics driver, so I decided to
give it a try.

> Why the driver, anyway - to support tapping/clicking, dragging, and 
> such?

Actually I was more interested in scrollwheel emulation and the first
item on the driver's feature list, "Movement with adjustable, non-linear
acceleration and speed", as I find it very hard to position the cursor
exactly. It moves way to fast on short distances IMHO.

As the Synaptics driver doesn't work, can somebody point me to another
solution for these issues? I can live without a scrollwheel, but the
movement issues are really annoying.

Bye, Michael

Abandon all hope, all ye who press Enter.

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