
I will answer myself a little bit...  now, it is almost a certainty that
HFS+ is like EXT3. Perhaps, it is like any other journal system (heh, I
donŽt really know what  journal system is :), and it is a base (core)
filesystem with a journal on top 8-P

jHFS+ being that, I wonder:

If I write from Linux to jHFS+ , what will it happen:

        a) I break the partition and Mac OS X freaks out, crashes, and I
           have to reinstall Panther again.
        b) Since (apparently) the hournal can be activated and
           deactivated from the GUI, nothing happens: whatever I added
           under Linux can only be seen if I deactivate the journal,
           since OS X has not updated it.
        c) The journal is automagically updated in the next boot and
           therefore, I donŽt have to deactivate it to work with the new
           files from linux :)
        d) None of the above, you silly phunk! :=)

Anyone wanna comment? Anyone wanna bet??? :-D


J. Javier Maestro

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