On 27/01/2004, at 12:33 AM, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
Martin Kuball writes:
I'v just upgraded my woody to testing.
You have, probably out of a momentary fancy, squandered a highly
stable and reliable operating system and switched to its inherently
broken cousin. Deal with it.
I'd personally suggest going unstable, instead of testing. Testing
seems to be in broken[1] states for weeks, sometimes, whereas any
issues with unstable are usually sorted out within hours. Testing also
takes ages to receive security updates; assumingly because of the
[1] OT, but I'd kill for a Debian branch, suitable for servers,
somewhere between testing and stable, but without broken packages, and
up to date security fixes. Stable + backports is starting to get a
little irritating.
Signature space for rent.