El jue, 22-01-2004 a las 16:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Hi,
> Federico Gamio a écrit :
> > El jue, 22-01-2004 a las 05:26, Angel escribió:
> > Well, I have an Alu 15" 1.25Ghz with superdrive with Debian and MacOS X.
> I've got the same.
> > 3D aceleration (you can't see DVD or avis in full screen)
> I'm not sure you need 3D acceleration for see DVD and avis : with xine I 
> already can do it. avis too. fullscreen give nearly 40% of load to the 
> processor.

Well, not in my case, I use VLC, and I've already instaled xine, and
when I want to see a fullscreen avi, my radeon driver can't show all the
I am using radeonfb with XFree 4.3.0-0pre1v5
What are your settings?

> My question : can you use MOL with this laptop. Every time I've tested, 
> the compilation was aborted because a fb problem (userland things or 
> something like that...)
> FYI : mol obtained with bk...
> ...autogen...configure...make...but, for now, no make libimport because 
> make simply abort with a lot of errors.

Sure you can, I simply get mol from debian/unstable and it works
perfectly, I use the installed MacOS X :)
I just compile the modules for my runing kernel.
> Regards,
> eric

> -- 
> http://swpat.ffii.org/
> eric bachard
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