El jue, 22-01-2004 a las 16:27, Jaonary Rabarisoa escribió:
> Hi,
> I see that you almost managed to run debian perfectly in you albook 
> 15''. So, I would ask to
> you some tips and advice because there are several things that doesn't 
> work yet in mine.

I put all the files you need at

> I have the same albook 15'' as you. (1,25 ghz, backlight keyboard 
> airport bluethoot).
> Untill now I've  just managed to install  debian/sid (kernel 2.6.1) but 
> I can't run most of
> my hardware. Here are my status:
>       Xfree working
>       sound not working

Well, simple, look at my kernel config file that I you can find in my

>       backlight keyboard not working

Use lmud program (you already know where it is :)

>       CD-R I don't know (probably not working)
>        Automatic managment of Keyboard Backlight and LCD Bright with light 
> condition : not working

Use lmud

>       Blutooth not working

Look at my kernel config

>       CPU frequency change I don't know

Install cpudynd
Just make watch cat /proc/cpuinfo
You will see how it change the speed of the cpu dinamically acording to
the load of the system

> Thanks for your help

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