Title: The MacArthur Group


Public Speaking

Detroit, MI
January 27th, 2004

Lansing, MI
January 28th, 2004

Traverse City, MI
January 29th, 2004

Alexandria, VA
February 3rd, 2004

Richmond, VA
February 4th, 2004

Norfolk, VA
February 5th, 2004

Miami, FL
February 17th 2004

Ft. Myers, FL
February 18th, 2004

Orlando, FL
February 19th, 2004

Gainesville, FL
February 24th, 2004

Tallahassee, FL
February 25th, 2004

Jacksonville, FL
February 26, 2004


Registration: 8:30
Training: 9:00 to 4:00
Lunch 12:00 to 1:00

upcoming events:

Power Writing

Handling Hostility

Harnessing Conflict

It's About Time!



Public Speaking: Stand and Deliver!

Download the brochure!

Whether the thought of public speaking gives you butterflies or you have no fear but want to take charge of your audience, this workshop is for you! You'll learn how to make those butterflies fly in formation and how to take your message and give it so they retain it.

The ability to speak in public is a skill that is always in great demand. This is especially true if you work in an organization where there are boards, workshop presentations, public speaking requirements, and seemingly endless meetings. The ability to effectively speak in public can advance your career and help your organization tremendously. Yet, for many, the very thought of it causes tremendous anxiety. Here’s a great opportunity to learn techniques for overcoming anxiety, selling yourself, your ideas, and your organization with confidence and enthusiasm.

In this relaxed, friendly, and enjoyable workshop, you’ll discover how to:

· Learn how to crush public speaking anxiety.
· Take the stress out of developing your presentation.
· Think on your feet and under pressure.
· Eliminate "ums," "ahs," "you knows," and other annoying words.
· Use eye contact that draws your audience into your talk and helps you relax.
· Develop a powerful speaking voice that commands attention.
· Use your hands and other body language so you look confident and professional.
· Analyze your audience so you can speak to their needs and keep them interested.
· Master Q&A sessions, including how to get people to ask the questions you want them to ask.
· Handle difficult situations and difficult audiences.
· Use humor and stories to drive your more serious points home.
· Tackle the needs of any speaking situation to get the results you want.

Register 5 people and send a 6th person free!

Register online now!

Workshop Fee: $98.00 per person.
If your registration is received less than one full week prior to the workshop you have chosen, the fee is $118
per person. This fee includes all workshop activities and materials. The MacArthur Group reserves the right to cancel this workshop and refund registration fees at any time. The MacArthur Group will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a registrant due to the cancellation of this workshop. The refund policy is as follows: no workshop fee will be refunded if your cancellation is received within 48 hours of the workshop. CANCELLATIONS MUST BE IN WRITING AND FAXED TO 765-286-0921. Each registrant is responsible for the workshop fee even if s/he does not attend. For more information, please call us at 765-287-1120.

The MacArthur Group
PO Box 1973
Muncie, IN 47308
765-287-1120 Phone
765-286-0921 Fax

To be removed from future marketing emails, please click here or copy and paste the following link in to your address bar: http://www.macarthur-group.com/marketing/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&id=191091&state=Florida.


Public Speaking: Stand and Deliver!

Download the brochure at http://www.macarthur-group.com!

Whether the thought of public speaking gives you butterflies or you have no 
fear but want to take charge of your audience, this workshop is for you! You'll 
learn how to make those butterflies fly in formation and how to take your 
message and give it so they retain it.

The ability to speak in public is a skill that is always in great demand. This 
is especially true if you work in an organization where there are boards, 
workshop presentations, public speaking requirements, and seemingly endless 
meetings. The ability to effectively speak in public can advance your career 
and help your organization tremendously. Yet, for many, the very thought of it 
causes tremendous anxiety. Here’s a great opportunity to learn techniques for 
overcoming anxiety, selling yourself, your ideas, and your organization with 
confidence and enthusiasm. 

In this relaxed, friendly, and enjoyable workshop, you’ll discover how to: 

· Learn how to crush public speaking anxiety. 
· Take the stress out of developing your presentation. 
· Think on your feet and under pressure.
· Eliminate "ums," "ahs," "you knows," and other annoying words. 
· Use eye contact that draws your audience into your talk and helps you relax. 
· Develop a powerful speaking voice that commands attention.
· Use your hands and other body language so you look confident and professional.
· Analyze your audience so you can speak to their needs and keep them 
· Master Q&A sessions, including how to get people to ask the questions you 
want them to ask.
· Handle difficult situations and difficult audiences.
· Use humor and stories to drive your more serious points home.
· Tackle the needs of any speaking situation to get the results you want.

Public Speaking 

Detroit, MI
January 27th, 2004 

Lansing, MI
January 28th, 2004 

Traverse City, MI
January 29th, 2004

Alexandria, VA
February 3rd, 2004 

Richmond, VA
February 4th, 2004 

Norfolk, VA
February 5th, 2004 

Miami, FL 
February 17th 2004

Ft. Myers, FL
February 18th, 2004

Orlando, FL
February 19th, 2004

Gainesville, FL
February 24th, 2004

Tallahassee, FL
February 25th, 2004

Jacksonville, FL
February 26, 2004 

Registration: 8:30
Training: 9:00 to 4:00
Lunch 12:00 to 1:00

Register 5 people and send a 6th person free!
Register online now at http://www.macarthur-group.com!
Workshop Fee: $98.00 per person. 
If your registration is received less than one full week prior to the workshop 
you have chosen, the fee is $118 per person. This fee includes all workshop 
activities and materials. The MacArthur Group reserves the right to cancel this 
workshop and refund registration fees at any time. The MacArthur Group will not 
be responsible for any costs incurred by a registrant due to the cancellation 
of this workshop. The refund policy is as follows: no workshop fee will be 
refunded if your cancellation is received within 48 hours of the workshop. 
CANCELLATIONS MUST BE IN WRITING AND FAXED TO 765-286-0921. Each registrant is 
responsible for the workshop fee even if s/he does not attend. For more 
information, please call us at 765-287-1120.

The MacArthur Group
PO Box 1973
Muncie, IN 47308 
765-287-1120 Phone
765-286-0921 Fax 

To be removed from future marketing emails, please respond with "Remove" in the 
subject line or copy and paste the following link in to your address bar: 

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