On 19.01.2004, at 17:49 Uhr, Michel Dänzer wrote:

On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 17:40, christian funk wrote:

Anybody know why, and/or how I can stop the output at least until I get
right what's still wrong?

man dmesg, the -n option. Then it will only fill the logfiles. :)

Okay, that would (does) work. However, the bridge still fills the log files in record time!

I presume something is very wrong, or are there eh.... processes that generate these kind of messages if nothing is wrong?!?

Any idea if the messages could be intentional?

My only option seems to be to fix what causes the messages (if it's broken) or to stop logging kernel messages :(

Unfortunately the bridge mailing list is nowhere to be found :((


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