Luis Miguel Cabezas Granado wrote:
Hola lista.

 Estoy intentando meter Debian en un ibook G4 nuevo (256RAM, 30Mb HD,
ATI 9200 mobile). He
 creado 2 particiones y el la última he metido MacOSX.

 Para arrancar utilizo un CD de Debian para PPC utilizando este comando
boot cd:,/install/

 El CD arranca y muestra el menú de Debian. El caso es que puedo
configurar teclado y red, pero
 no puedo meterle mano a las particiones, porque dice que no se
encuentra el Disco Duro.

 ¿Alguien ha resuelto este problema?

First of all, which cd set or cd image have you used?
if you haven't used the beta2 image ( ) please try with it.

otherwise, if you haven't got a fast connection:

Copy the boot.b ( the kernel and the rest of the needed ) file of /install/powermac/ to the root of your os x partition, and make it read
where it reads
that should help.
boot hd:|partitionnumber|,ofboot.b should work.
* not sure thought * maybe somebody can clear the situation up.
( at least it did for me. )

btw I had a similiar problem with the debian installer on my imac.

and: please note that this list is english speaking.
Bob Hentges                            |     .''`.           |    : :'  :
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