Hi, Well, this version uses /dev/pmu and framebuffer to change lcd brightness (the function was taken from pmud package) Please check if you have /dev/pmu defined (mayor=10, minor=154 char device) You can check with pmud-utils package, in this package you have fblevel utility, this is the base of the funtion used to change the lcd bright. If you make fblevel work from pmud-utils, then lmud will also work.
El lun, 19-01-2004 a las 05:37, Jaime Robles escribió: > >> I've added the ability of changing the brightness of the lcd, so now > >> automatically at lowers light conditions, you will get lower lcd > >> brightness and higher keyboard backlight. > >> You can see this version at: > >> http://isadora.homelinux.net/lmud/lmud-0.02-fg.tar.gz > Hello all, > How can i use it? > I have downloaded & compiled on my G4 powerbook 12" but when i run it it > says unable to open device or unknown device... > > Any doc avaylable please? > > Thank you very much. > > -- > Jaime Robles > http://jaime.robles.nu > http://www.redlibre.net -- My software never has bugs. | ASCII Ribbon Campaign /"\ It just develops random features. | For Standards-Complaint Email \ / Public GnuPG key avaible at: http://www.keyserver.net X 1024D/203E154B 2003-10-03 Federico Gamio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / \ Key fingerprint = 0B9E 3A19 C88B EBAC 5422 C05F 76B5 B922 203E 154B sub 2048g/32D2F465 2003-10-03
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