I am using a Radeon 9000 card. Worked perfectly under 2.4.23 (although little success with X)

booting the Vm linux from yaboot with the novideo option had no effect.
"ultra2:11, /vmlinux novideo"

As well, the video=openfb doesnt work.

I have tried the suggestions quoted on <URL:http://www.codemonkey.org.uk/post-halloween-2.5.txt> with no success. I haven't explicitly added CONFIG_FB_CONSOLE but CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE was set. The new Radeon drivers were set to load as a module, and the character radeon drivers were also set in the config.

Still no success.


On 19-Jan-04, at 7:17 PM, andi wrote:

If you have an nvidia card, try using the openfirmware framebuffer driver instread of the nvidia driver.

At least for me (G4 Cube + Geforce 2MX) the driver is broken. I see the same screen as you and nothing happens. At least with openfirmware framebuffer driver it works.


I have been having lots of difficulty trying to move from benh-2.4.23 to 2.6

I have tried compiling from the kernel.org source as well as with the benh 2.5-2.6 source.

In all cases, the kernel will compile using the make-kpkg command, installation works normally as well. However on boot the following screen is displayed

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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