On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 19:35, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du  lundi 12 janvier 2004, vers 17:57,
> Steve Kemp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:
> >> /usr/sbin/prelink: /usr/sbin/dsniff: Cannot prelink against non-PIC shared 
> >> library /usr/lib/libnids.so.1.18
> >> /usr/sbin/prelink: /usr/sbin/urlsnarf: Cannot prelink against non-PIC 
> >> shared library /usr/lib/libnids.so.1.18
> >> /usr/sbin/prelink: /usr/sbin/webspy: Cannot prelink against non-PIC shared 
> >> library /usr/lib/libnids.so.1.18
> >   How should this be fixed?  Just adding a  -fPIC on the compilation
> >   command line?

Basically, yes. However, looking at


this seems to be done correctly already; the problem likely stems from
libnet, which seems to be only available in static form (and hence built
without -fPIC).

> >   Or  is there more to it?   I confess I do  not know anything about
> >   prelinking...
> The same   problem  makes   dsniff  unusable   on Power   PC.

Non-PIC code in shared objects causes problems ranging from build
failures to random runtime failures on most architectures except i386.

Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast    |   http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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