On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 04:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> I recently reinstalled debian on my iBook (12.1" g3 500, r128 video) using
> the install24 flavour. After upgrading to sid, this left me with a working
> system with the attached XF86Config-4
> Now, on bouncing the kernel to 2.6.1-ben1 and installing
> xserver-xfree86-dri-trunk (from http://people.debian.org/~danzer/dri-trunk/
> )

That's for woody, if you're running testing or sid you need to get it

deb     http://people.debian.org/~daenzer/debian/dri-trunk-sid/ ./


Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast    |   http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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