Hello from Argentina!! My name is Manuel.


I recently bought an iBook G4 1Ghz, Ati Mobility Radeon 9200 32Mb,
256Mb RAM, 40Gb Hard Disk, etc, etc.

I am a Slackware user in PC's, I was recommended for use Debian on
my new iBook, I download Debian Woody 3.0_r2 iso's, then start the
installation process with some problems on hardisk detection, but i finally
have a debian base system running now with kernel 2.4.23-pre5-ben0 on
my iBook.

The problem:
My X server won't start.
In the log file of the X server in the last line appear "Device not found"
something like that.

I need someone to help me in the X window system setup and
configuration, because I really don't know how to do this.

Thanks in advance from Argentina


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