Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 When installing debian, I guessed wrong about the display depth.
 The xdm error log complains that the hardware cant support 24 bits.
 How can I change this to 8 bits?
 The man pages on xdm don't mention it.


 Macintosh 9500 120 MHz ("Old World")
 Apple display card

 Software:  debian linux 3.0r2  without the 01 upgrade


 > Dan Killoran

Johannes Mockenhaupt wrote:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 03:14:11PM -0400, Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. wrote:
 > When installing debian, I guessed wrong about the display depth.
 > The xdm error log complains that the hardware cant support 24 bits.
 > How can I change this to 8 bits?
 > The man pages on xdm don't mention it.

That's because xdm merely starts the X server but doesn't configure it;
you can reconfigure the X server with:

 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86


Mauricio Hernandez Z. wrote:

Well, one of the good things of using UNIX-like systems is that there's always
more than 1 way of doing/fixing things.

I know there is a command

$ dpkg-reconfigure ....  (something with x)

but I always forget it. That command will present you with a friendly
interface (the same you used to specify 24 bits)

So, I end up editing this file manually.

$ nano -w /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

and look for a section like this...

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Default Screen"
        Device          "Generic Video Card"
        Monitor         "Generic Monitor"
        DefaultDepth    16

and just replace 16 for x depth.

I hope it works for you.

Regards from Chile,


Many thanks to both of you. Alas, before I could try it out, the whole system crashed on me. Debian seems rather fragile - this is the 6th occurence this week. Each time, on the boot following a crash,
the system reports SCSI read errors and inability to read the inode blocks.
In this connection, I notice that it uses fsck to attempt to clean up, whereas I remember
reading somewhere that one should use "mac-fsck" or some such program.
Having, in my researches, picked up some bad vibes about the ext3 partitions that the debian formatter puts on the disk, I am going to use the Apple formatter to make linux preferred partitions.
Sorry to be such a pest - will let you know how it comes out.


Dan Killoran

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