On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 09:35:11AM +0000, Matthieu Oppliger wrote: [...] } After edition of my cupsd.conf on G3 - (Allow as told in the } Cups doc) - and installation and configuration of Gimp-Print and ESP } Ghostscript on the G4, I can browse to to access my } Epson from the G4, and print a test page. } } But if I try to print directly from the G4, the Printing Center does the } job to print, and then try to access, without success. [...]
In the cupsd.conf file on the G3 you must make sure that the G4's IP address is allowed to access /printers. There is a section of the files that starts looking a lot like an Apache config, with Location tags and Allow and Deny directives and such. Make sure that the G4's IP address is allowed for at least /printers. That should be sufficient. Don't forget to restart cups on the G3. (Note that I have a MacOS X box happily printing to a printer connected to a Debian sarge box, so it is both possible and moderately easy.) } Thanks in advance } Matthieu --Greg