> > > There is no official debian package of it currently. The best idea is
> > > probably to include it in an existing debian package like powerpc-utils.
> >
> > powerpc-utils currently only has tools to configure some stuff, no daemons
> > like mouseemu. mouseemu should be added as a separate package IMHO. Guido
> > has done all the packaging work so I'd feel a bit bad just stealing the
> > package :-) OTOH, if no one else volunteers I'd adopt it.
> I just was not sure if a package that small could also be considered
> archive bloat.

Doesn't matter to me. mouseemu might even be useful on other architectures
(trackpads with only two buttons; the trackpad block while typing), and a
powerpc desktop user shouldn't be forced to install mouseemu only to get
the other powerpc-utils tools. I'm fine with powerpc-utils being a kitchen
sink type of package to some extent but that's too much :-)

> IMHO the primary goal should be to have a package that contains
> mouseemu. If it is a seperate one or inside an existing package is less
> important to me. In no case I wanted to suggest someone should steal
> Guido's work. If he does not have the time to finish the package, I
> would also volunteer to maintain it. Just drop me a mail.

The package is done, Guido just doesn't want to make it official himself.
Your name didn't show up on the developer database, how are you going to
maintain an official package?


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