On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 04:30:58PM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> Don't use xserver-dri-trunk, and make sure the UseFBDev option in the X
> config file is _enabled_. AFAIR the recent radeon chipsets still aren't
> properly supported by DRI.
So what driver should I use. Should i uninstall xserver-dri-trunk
and install some other driver ? As for me DRI on my radeon7500 was
working quite well :)

best regards,
[ ---< Maciej Jan Broniarz || [EMAIL PROTECTED] >---- ]
| Siamo qui \ sotto la stessa luce \ sotto la sua croce \ |
| cantando ad una voce \ E l'Emmanuel Emmanuel, Emmanuel, |
[ ---------------< E l'Emmanuel, Emmanuel >-------------- ]

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