On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 11:20:24AM -0700, Mike Power wrote:
> I am having trouble getting my iBook G4 USB 2.0 to boot off a SanDisk 
> Cruzer Micro 256 USB2.0 flash drive.  I have the flash drive partitioned 
> with OSX's disk utility to have one partition on it with a HFS Standard 
> filesystem on it.  On the filesystem I made a directory called boot.  
> Put in the directory a vmlinux, yaboot, yaboot.conf, initrd, ofboot.b.

Make sure your kernel recognises. the HFS filesystem.
Did you run ybin for this disk?

> I use the following commands to display the location of the usb drive
> dev usb0
> ls
> pwd
> The commands display the following output
> ok
> ff9c7700: /[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ok
> I use the following command in open firmware to try and boot the device. 
> boot usb0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:,\boot\yaboot
> or
> boot usb0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2,\boot\yaboot
> or
> boot /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usb/@1b,1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:,\boot\yaboot
> or
> boot /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/usb/@1b,1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2,\boot\yaboot
> After I execute the command I get a long pause, about 17 seconds, then I 
> get the following error
> can't OPEN: usb0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:,\boot\yaboot
> Does anyone know what I am missing when it comes to booting off usb 
> devices with an iBook?

Maybe you need to do something like:
boot usb0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:,\\:tbxi
boot usb0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2,\\:tbxi


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