Hello Mariusz, family number M4753 is clearly a Wallstreet PowerBook (probably 1998, but maybe 1997), which is considered Old World. You might enconter another "code" name (i.e. unofficial name) for this series of PowerBooks, which is PDQ.
The official name for these PowerBooks is "PowerBook G3 Series". They have serial and Apple desktop Bus (ADB) ports, they have SCSI too, but neither USB nor FireWire on board. The processor speeds reach from 233 MHz to 300 MHz. The came in two generations, G3 Series I and G3 Series II. For technical details of the hardware, see PowerBook G3 Series http://www.lowendmac.com/pb2/g3series.shtml The immediate successor of the PowerBook G3 Series was termed "PowerBook Bronze Keyboard" by Apple and is commonly known by its code name "Lombard" (1999). Lombards were the first PowerBooks (disregarding the early iBooks here) with New World architecture. Lombards still had SCSI (like the Wallstreets), but no longer featured serial or ADB ports. They did no more have floppy modules, either. Instead, they had USB (but no Firewire yet). The Lombard's successor, officially termed "PowerBook Firewire" by Apple (2000), is being code-named "Pismo", also New World of course. All iMacs and iBooks (even the early ones) are New World. The same goes for the blue-and-white G3 mini towers as well as all G4 Power Macs, all are New World. The last Power Mac desktops with Old World architecture were the grey ("beige") G3 desktops and mini towers, with processor speeds between 233 and 333 MHz (1997/98). Like Wallstreets, they have SCSI, serial ports and floppy drives. Regards, Walter.