
Setting up a PowerComputing PowerCenter Pro 210 clone with:

http://people.debian.org/~luther/d-i/images/daily/powerpc/floppy/ 's

First, the ofbootonly.img gave me the infamous red X on tux. The 
boot.img worked on this box, except it wouldn't eject. Picky, huh?

The root.img reads 1.4M on the server, but actually downloaded to
-rw-r--r--  1 duane duane 1507467 Oct  6 20:15 root-1006.img

and here

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/d-i/floppies-2.6$ dd if=root-1006.img of=/dev/fd0
dd: writing to `/dev/fd0': No space left on device
2881+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes transferred in 124.665989 seconds (11828 bytes/sec)

I want to test d-i on this clone, so I'll use something else for now.

Duane Cottle

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