I removed the ipv6 module and rebooted. In the logging output I could see that the syslog daemon triggers the load of ipv6. Is it possible to "deconfigure" this behaviour? Besides that I could confirm that the culprit is indeed the ipv6 module. Without it the dsl speed is fine.
Anyway, the real solutions must be to solve the issue with ipv6. Now I wonder if this is a problem that only shows up on ppc (or maybe only on iBooks?). Martin Am Friday 01 October 2004 08:24 schrieb Frank Murphy: > On Thursday 30 September 2004 10:10, Eric Gaumer wrote: > > On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 00:31, Arne Caspari wrote: > > > Does anybody know how IPv6 can be disabled in Debian correctly > > > ( something like dpkg-reconfigure... )? I used some hack in my > > > startup scripts to make things work IIRC. > > > > You should be able to disable it via /etc/modutils/aliases > > That might not be enough. For me, sshd was listening on IPv6 ports, > so loading the ipv6 module. To stop this, I uncommented the line > "ListenAddress" which causes sshd to only listen on IPv4 > ports. > > However, I still have a pretty severe slowdown when loading > http://sfgate.com/. With kernel 2.4.25, it loads fine, but with > 2.6.8 it takes a long time (30seconds?) > > Frank