hallo all, I'm a linux fan since its 0.97 version, but I'm new to the apple world. a few months ago I bought a second hand iMac and I'm *very* happy with it. obviously, it is a linux-only box! I chose Debian for its Mac support. on pc hardware I'd always used Slackware and update it with source tarballs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo cpu : 750CX temperature : 11-13 C (uncalibrated) clock : 500MHz revision : 34.21 (pvr 0008 2215) bogomips : 996.14 machine : PowerMac4,1 motherboard : PowerMac4,1 MacRISC2 MacRISC Power Macintosh L2 cache : 256K unified memory : 576MB pmac-generation : NewWorld at start, I had no internet connection so I asked a friend to burn for me the full distribution Woody (3.0r2) on 6 CDs. now I _am_ connected and I updated woody and then upgraded to sarge. I have the following problems ---1- my system does not boot any more from hd. I have to use cd1 from the woody distribution and then tell the booter to load 'hd:4'. ---2- I cannot repair the #1 issue. if I try to remake the boot partition, I get a silly answer. kruiskruid:~# mkofboot ofpath: WARNING: Your kernel is too old for proper support, device may be innaccurate. mkofboot: Create hfs filesystem on /dev/hda2? [y/N] y and nothing happens (I try to boot again, but the system refuses and grasps to the CD). ---3- so I thought I need an old ofpath *and* a new kernel and then again the new ofpath. --- - any suggestions? thanks in advance. please cc: to my address! Mario