I am new in Mac but not in Gnu/Linux.
installing debian in iBook G4, I have been wasting time with one problem.
I describe my steps during installing:

i have make the partitition of HD with Disk utility.
first 32Gb for debian and second 5,2 Gb for OS X
I have installed OS X and then I have download and copy those files in Debian partitition:
root.bin, linux.bin, yaboot.conf and yaboot (the last version).
This is the output of my HD from one terminal in Mac with the df command:

Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/disk0s5 10468272 4731264 5632328 46% /
devfs 182 182 0 100% /dev
fdesc 2 2 0 100% /dev
<volfs> 1024 1024 0 100% /.vol
/dev/disk0s3 67147520 63496 67084024 0% /Volumes/Debian
automount -nsl [276] 0 0 0 100% /Network
automount -fstab [279] 0 0 0 100% /automount/Servers
automount -static [279] 0 0 0 100% /automount/static
/dev/disk1s1s2 1170720 1170720 0 100% /Volumes/Debian:PowerPC_woody

At Open Firmware boot, i type
boot: hd:3,yaboot and at the next boot prompt from yaboot, I have this message:
WARNING: Bootstrap partition type
is wrong: "Apple_HFS"��type should be: "Apple_Bootstrap"

at this prompt I type:
boot: install-safe and the boot is going up
In the tty2 when i type mac-fdisk /dev/hda I give this output:
/dev/hda1 Apple_map (something so) 1k on dvd
/dev/hda2 CDROM.CD-RW,DVD 571 MB on dvd combo
this is my cdrom with debian for ppc
I have trying hdb, hdc, hde, hdd... but nothing
i have trying with this parameters at boot promt: install-safe /dev/hda: hda=noautotune but nothing again
can anybody help me?

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